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Complex Needs

Supported Volunteering

Every Tuesday - Thursday, 9am-2pm

Inclusive Arts and Crafts Club

Tuesdays, 12:30-2pm

Gardening Group

Wednesdays, 11am-12pm

What we do:

Supported Volunteering

At Ascension Church Centre

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9am-2pm, Wednesdays: 12-2pm

Our Supported Volunteering Scheme works primarily with adults with who are neurodivergent, have learning disabilities or other conditions. The aim of this project is to gain work experience and new skills in the area of food preparation and customer service. Through this process it each our goal for each Supported Volunteer to develop self confidence, become resilient and see themselves as a valuable member of the wider team.

Each of our volunteers works with our support team to make food and drinks, serving them to the community, as well as working on personal development. Whilst some of this work originally ran out of the Garden Community Café, we currently work in the kitchen at Ascension Church Centre, preparing meals for both our weekly Community Meal and Food Bank projects.

Placements also include regular trips creating space for those we work with to try new experiences, reflect on their work and socialise as a group. This enhances weekly work and personal development.

Some of our recent trips include a visit to Greenwich Market to enjoy and learn about street food, a traditional pizza-making workshop as well as other fun experiences such as Mudchute Farm and visiting museums.

If you would be interested in joining our team of volunteers, please contact us at:

Colorful Abstract Shapes

Inclusive Arts & Crafts Club!

Open to everyone, designed for artists with learning disabilities
Tuesdays 12:30-2pm, Subject to availability*

A space to get creative! We meet in the hall of Ascension Church Centre every week to have lunch together, and are supported to work on an art activity for the afternoon.

We aim to _

If you would like to get involved, please contact for more info.

You can check out some of our previous artwork below:




For students with complex needs

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